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Welcome to our Newsletter!



DINAMIC Health Care is looking to expand its reach, and with that goal comes the promise of great growth and change. As part of our own expansion and growth, we’re excited to launch our inaugural DINAMIC News, newsletter. DINAMIC News is specifically designed to provide our patients, partners, staff, and the general public with insight regarding our company goals, mission, and vision.

With each passing year the world around us changes. Children grow, healthcare laws change, new medications and treatments come about, and adults stay the same age of course! As 2015 continues on the world of healthcare is ever changing. New insurance requirements, provider services, and advancements in technologies are impacting healthcare every day.  


DINAMIC is here to help our patients navigate the changes and continue to provide top-notch medical care in the comfort of their own home. In addition to providing quality health care DINAMIC is striving to be number one in customer service in the home health industry. Our mission is to serve the whole patient, and this means serving the community around them. In March of 2015 DINAMIC launched its Marketing Department to do just that. This newsletter serves as another avenue for us to keep our patients and the community around them informed, to recognize our staff for providing exceptional care, and to provide transparent information to the public regarding our services and level of care.


We thank you for your interest in DHC News! To subscribe to our monthly newsletter  





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